Medically reviewed by:
Dr. Shiyan Ooi
School of Medical Sciences, University of Manchester
Sleep can be a complex process. There are a number of factors, both internal and external that can affect the quality of your sleep. Sleep disorders are one of the most significant barriers for getting a good night’s sleep.
How do you know if you have a sleep disorder, and what can you do to get better? Find out more below!
Sleep disorders cause disruptions in your sleep patterns. Currently, there are over 80 recognized sleep disorders. When you have a sleep disorder, you may suffer a number of symptoms, feel less rested in daily life, and experience difficulty with sleep.
It’s important to recognize the difference between infrequent sleep troubles and an actual sleep disorder. You may have a sleep disorder if you’re:
Sleep is incredibly important, so recognizing the root cause of your sleep troubles is crucial to getting better sleep and feeling better in general.
Sleep disturbances can affect the quality of your sleep in a myriad of ways. If you’re having frequent sleep disturbances because of a sleep disorder, you may notice:
When you have these sleep troubles, the overall quality of your sleep is hindered.
When you have reduced sleep quality or poor sleep habits, feeling tired or groggy is just the start of potential physical and mental issues. Missing out on regular or consistent sleep can cause a number of mental health issues like depression and anxiety, impair cognitive ability, reduce memory retention, and contribute to how susceptible you are to conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Some sleep disorders are more common than others. Here are some of the most common disorders and how they can impair the quality of your sleep.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep. It also makes it difficult to stay asleep. This is the most common of all the sleep disorders. Here are some symptoms you can watch out for:
Insomnia can either be short-term or chronic. Short-term insomnia will usually persist for a few nights to a few weeks. Chronic insomnia is continuous, and usually will affect you at least three nights per week for a month or longer.
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the way your mind regulates sleep. When someone has narcolepsy, it can be difficult for them to control their sleep and waking states. Here are some symptoms of narcolepsy to watch out for:
Narcolepsy can occur at any time of the day and often goes untreated. Make sure to seek help if you’re experiencing these symptoms.
Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder that causes you to stop breathing during sleep. The loss of breathing can occur for 10 seconds or more. There are two types of sleep apnea. Let’s take a look at both:
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): Obstructive sleep apnea is more common and occurs when the airway is blocked. The soft tissue at the back of the throat is the common cause. Here are some symptoms of OSA:
Central sleep apnea (CSA): Central sleep apnea is less common and occurs when the brain doesn’t signal the body to breathe. Here are the symptoms to watch for:
Sleep apnea can be a serious condition, so make sure to seek treatment if you have these symptoms.
Delayed sleep phase syndrome is a disorder that causes you to stay up much later than normal and to sleep through much of the morning. Although this is more common in teenagers, it occurs in plenty of adults as well. Here are some symptoms to note:
Delayed sleep phase syndrome can usually be treated with good sleep hygiene.
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), causes your legs to have a tingling sensation or an intense urge to move while resting. RLS is most prominent in the evening and at night, which is why it commonly causes sleep troubles. Here are some symptoms to keep in mind:
Restless leg syndrome can sometimes be treated with a number of lifestyle changes.
Night terrors cause episodes of crying, restlessness, screaming, or fear while someone is still asleep. Typically, they won’t have much memory of their night terrors when they wake up. Here are some symptoms that would indicate night terrors:
Frequent night terrors should be brought up to your doctor. If they only happen on occasion and don’t cause you undue stress or sleep issues, usually there’s not too much need for concern.
Parasomnia is a category of behaviors that occur when someone is falling asleep, waking up, or during their sleep phase. Sleepwalking is one of the most common, but bedwetting, night terrors, sleep-related eating disorder, and more. Parasomnia symptoms may include:
Parasomnia can usually be treated by practicing intentional sleep habits and avoiding unnecessary medications, only taking what your doctor prescribes.
Jet Lag is a common sleep disorder, albeit a temporary one. Jet Lag Disorder occurs when you pass through multiple time zones. This switch in your day and night cycles can cause your circadian rhythm to be off, ruining your normal sleep patterns. Typically, jet lag will go away in a few days, but it can sometimes take weeks to readjust. Here are some symptoms of jet lag:
Jet lag can usually be treated by getting into a normal sleep routine and practicing mindful sleep hygiene.
The causes of sleep orders can vary, and will largely depend on the type of disorder. But in general, sleep disorders can be brought on by factors like:
These can all cause or contribute to a sleep disorder. Sleep is also a very complex process, and sometimes the cause is unknown. In general, identifying the cause of a sleep disorder can make it easier to treat.
The symptoms of sleep disorders vary based on the disorder you have. You can look at specific disorders to see if your symptoms line up, or you can look at some general symptoms and consult an expert. Here are some of the common symptoms that occur in people with sleep disorders:
When you’re noticing that you have trouble sleeping or you notice any symptoms of a sleep disorder, it’s a good time to seek treatment.
The treatments for your sleep disorders will vary based on your condition. For many conditions, restful sleep habits and sleep hygiene can improve your sleep. Some conditions will require medical help. Your treatments will normally involve:
If you need help improving your sleep habits and if you want to sleep without pills or melatonin or supplements, then Sleep Reset can help you.
Many sleep disorders can be overcome with mindful sleep habits. The trouble for most people is sticking to these habits and knowing how to implement them. With Sleep Reset, you’ll get a personalized plan to improve sleep and a dedicated sleep coach to help you every step of the way. Sleep Reset is a natural solution that forgoes the grogginess, side effects, and dependency that comes with sleeping pills.
By identifying and addressing your sleep problems at the source, we can help you fall asleep faster, get deeper sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed. It all starts with our easy and quick Sleep Quiz. Take our sleep assessment today to see how Sleep Reset can help you!
Dr. Shiyan Ooi
Dr. Shiyan Ooi is a medical doctor with over a decade of experience treating patients with chronic conditions. She graduated from the University of Manchester with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB UK) and spent several years working at the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, several Singapore government hospitals, and private functional medicine hospitals. Dr. Ooi specializes in root cause analysis, addressing hormonal, gut health, and lifestyle factors to treat chronic conditions. Drawing from her own experiences, she is dedicated to empowering others to optimize their health. She loves traveling, exploring nature, and spending quality time with family and friends.