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How We Use Science To Help You Sleep | Sleep Reset

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Sleep Science

Medically reviewed by: 

Dr. Areti Vassilopoulos

Yale School of Medicine

Sleeping peacefully and waking up well rested are never guaranteed. For many, the process of falling—and staying—asleep is full of anxiety and frustration. If you struggle to find a good night’s rest, it may be time to explore the science behind sleep. Learn how cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and other research-backed methods can improve your rest, your health, and your quality of sleep.

The Science to Improve Your Sleep

Science for Better Sleep, Developed by Experts

Sleep Reset uses clinically proven methods to address sleep challenges from every angle. Created in partnership with top behavioral sleep medicine and sleep psychology experts from institutions including Stanford University and the University of Arizona, Sleep Reset uses cognitive behavioral therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to address sleep challenges from multiple angles. 

Solving sleep concerns isn’t as easy as a single method or routine. Clinical sleep techniques address behavioral, psychological and even educational components of sleeplessness.

The Gold Standard For Those Who Struggle With Sleeplessness

The Sleep Reset program uses strategies based on cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which combines therapeutic practices with behavioral and educational interventions to improve sleep and reduce stress tied to sleep disorders like insomnia.

This gold standard practice is employed in respected health clinics around the globe. Additionally, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine guidelines strongly recommend CBT-I as the front-line approach for those struggling with insomnia, including the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.

CBT-I treatment varies by person, but may include therapeutic practices like relaxation training, as well as behavioral and educational interventions like stimulus control, sleep compressions, and sleep hygiene. When tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient, it’s proven to improve sleep in adults and adolescents diagnosed with insomnia.

Sleep Reset was developed in conjunction with sleep medicine experts who specialize in CBT-I.

How Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Life

People who struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep per night risk dealing with sleep deprivation, which is sometimes called sleep insufficiency. A chronic lack of sufficient sleep, while not considered a disease on its own, has the potential to impact nearly every facet of your health and wellbeing.

Initial symptoms of sleep deprivation include:

  • Fatigue or a lack of energy
  • Loss of physical strength
  • Cognitive impairments like memory loss or difficulty concentrating
  • A weakened immune system

Over time, health risks become increasingly serious. Studies link chronic sleep deprivation to an increased risk for diabetes, heart attacks, obesity and mental health disorders, among others.The Sleep Reset has helped hundreds of everyday people fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up rested. It can work for you too.

Better Sleep is Possible With CBT-I

Everyone wants to fall asleep faster and wake up well rested. But, if you’re dealing with insomnia, you can face a lot of frustrations falling asleep. Instead of resorting to pills or supplements, you may want to try CBT-I.

Learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and how it can improve your sleep.

How To Build Better Sleep Habits

Sleep hygiene is an umbrella term that refers to healthy sleep habits. When you nail down your sleep hygiene practices, you’ll be able to fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

Quality sleep is essential to your health, so it’s worth reflecting on your sleep hygiene on a consistent basis.

Learn ways you can start practicing better sleep hygiene today.

Understanding Circadian Rhythm

Aligning your circadian rhythm as an adult is incredibly important. It can help you sleep through the night and feel refreshed waking up. On the flip side, if your circadian rhythm is misaligned, it can cause sleep and health issues.

Learn more about your circadian rhythm and how it can help you sleep better!

What Are the Stages of Sleep?

When you fall asleep at night, you may not be conscious anymore, but your brain and body are still active and repairing. Sleep isn’t a static process; it goes through several different phases before you wake up in the morning to take on the day. Each sleep stage has its own role to play, and each one is crucial to having a good night’s sleep.

Discover more about the sleep stages, how they help your brain and body, and what your sleep cycle should look like if you want to be well rested when you wake up.

How Sleep Compression Therapy Works

If you’ve been looking for ways to help with insomnia and other sleep issues, you have probably heard of sleep compression therapy. Sleep compression therapy is commonly used in cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia. It works by reducing the amount of time you spend in bed, helping you to get better and deeper sleep. Though this may sound counterproductive, it can have great results for some individuals.

Find out more about what sleep compression therapy is, how it works, and whether it could be effective for your sleep concerns.

What to Do if You Have Sleep Anxiety

Sleep anxiety can make it extremely difficult to fall asleep at night. Those struggling with sleep anxiety may find themselves in a cycle of missing out on sleep because of their disorder and the compounding stress causing them to miss out on more sleep from the feelings of fear and worry.

Fortunately, sleep anxiety is a treatable sleep disorder. With the right treatment methods, you can break the sleep anxiety cycle.

Learn more about sleep anxiety and how you can fall asleep faster and stay asleep at night.

Start Sleeping Better With Sleep Reset Today!

To get started with Sleep Reset, all you need to do is take our simple sleep assessment! This will allow us to identify some of your key issues. After your quiz, you can choose to be assigned your own sleep coach and get our dedicated sleep app.

Your sleep coach and our app will give you the tools and the program you need to get better sleep and feel your best!

Dr. Areti Vassilopoulos

Dr. Vassilopoulos is the Clinical Content Lead for Sleep Reset and Assistant Professor at Yale School of Medicine. She has co-authored peer-reviewed research articles, provides expert consultation to national nonprofit organizations, and chairs clinical committees in pediatric health psychology for the American Psychological Association. She lives in New England with her partner and takes full advantage of the beautiful hiking trails.